Fahame CEO's message on the occasion of his 30th birthday

30 We are old!

Thirty years have passed since the beginning of our activity, during these years we have gone through many ups and downs, and now with your support, the big Fahameh family, including shareholders, managers, employees and other respected stakeholders, who are the main and valuable assets of We have been and you are, we will continue on our way and we are still committed to try to be up-to-date and efficient Fahameh services, to be more responsive to the trust of our customers..

I feel it is my duty that from all of you dear ones who during these years, in the direction of Understandable goals You spent the best moments of your life with complete honesty and integrity and with trust in God, along with other colleagues, and you contributed to the qualitative and quantitative improvement of the collection, and you sincerely did not spare any effort, I express my gratitude and appreciation..


with respect


Seyed Sasan Mehrkian

CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors

December 1402


Fahameh ، thirty years old ، Anniversary ،Message from the CEO