Identify the world's largest windmill in eastern Iran

The boss Iran Renewable Energy and Electricity Productivity Organization Pointed to the identification of excellent wind capacity in the east of the country and said: Accordingly and with the aim of using this capacity to generate electricity, Atlas wind The country was edited.

He pointed out that capacity identification work energy The east wind of the country has been carried out since year 6 and a joint wind field with Afghanistan has been identified.: The world's largest windmill is located in the eastern country with a capacity of over 5 %, most of which is located in Afghanistan, with 15,000 megawatts identified and one thousand megawatts in Iran..

He added: North Zabul, KhAdequate And Durouh, Three areas Wind In the east of our country there are the Zabul section of the most valuable part in terms of Energy production It is a wind and a production capacity of about 2,000 5,000 is predicted.

He added: When formulating the Atlas to accurately obtained the terrace, it was even infiltrated by Afghan territory and with the help of German and Danish companies this atlas that is unique in its kind..

Satin said: Probability Joint Projects In the field of electricity generation of wind capacity in the future will not be expected.


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