Car parking standardization (Mechanized-Mechanized Mechanized-All mechanized)
Car parking standard
One of the authorities and legal regulations to build Mechanized parking We need to consider the guidelines and the must and shoulds, the topics related to Mechanized parking Published from National Iranian Standards Organization In year 2 by number ۲۰۵۳۳ And with the title Mechanized parking lots (car) - Requirements and recommendations It is. The purpose of compiling this Standard Determine the minimum rules and regulations for plan, implementation and operation of mechanized parking systems(car) In order to ensure the result is the part of its performance.(Related)
this Standard To provide a general view of key features, requirements and recommendations required by employers, designers, builders and operators of mechanized parking lots in cases such as dimensions and sizes, features required safetyFire protection and prevention, inputs and outputs, permissible audio and vibration rates and traffic considerations related to mechanized parking lots are used.
Inspection and standard of car parking
Fahameh , Partner Inspection Company National Iranian Standards Organization And confirming the disagreement from the side Iran Confirmation Center(NACI) In the field of inspection of lifts (Elevator, escalator and …) According to Iran ISO/ ICT Standard
Lift and elevator
History of Mechanized Car Parking
The problem of lack of parks is always one of the main issues in any society. With the increase in population as well as the use of vehicles in the city level, the problem of park shortages is also more serious.. According to the available evidence, the history of mechanized parking in the world has begun since the year 8, and the original origin of these parking lots is returned to the United States.. After the construction of the first Mechanized parking In the United States and the useful use of it, finally Construction of mechanized parking lots In European countries in the year 8, the initial design of these parking lots was such Car Park Of one elevator The carrier car It was used and the car park process was carried out by moving up and down and lowering the cars and putting them in the right place..
Due to the low speed of the first system of these parking lots in Car Park And being in the delivery and delivery of cars, their use had a lot of trouble using them. However, these problems did not prevent the use of these parking lots in different countries of the world, and at least 2 mechanized parking lots were built around the world..
In the 1980s, with the widespread progress in Technology and Industry It happened, new techniques for construction and commissioning Mechanized parking lots With newer and more advanced systems, smart and computer systems were used to build new models of these parking lots, which improved the performance of these parking lots. Speed And quality They are also reinforced. The first countries that used these smart systems to build mechanized parking lots are Germany, the US and Japan.. Today, countries such as Spain, South Korea, Italy and China also use new styles of these mechanized parking lots with advanced systems.
- To watch an interesting and spectacular movie of the first mechanized car parking lots! Here کلیک کنید.
Car and mechanized lifts
History Mechanized parking in Iran It is also noticeable in its kind:
Unfortunately in year 2 The first parking lot No technical information in this field is a tower system that failed.(Rotated) Installed. In the year 6, the country's largest mechanized parking lot was provided with a capacity of 4 parking lots with a rotary system and then, due to successful experience and satisfaction with Rotary system, According to available information, more than 5 parking lots have been set up in different cities of the country, given the past experience of other systems (Puzzle, Tower, Grand and…) Also implemented at the country level.
Mechanized parking lot history, such as Rotary parking, The benefits and benefits of using these parking lots illustrate for us, which is one of the benefits of these parking lots. Car Park Have no and after delivering their car to the input and output gates of this Parking, All parking or parking operations are carried out by a mechanized parking system.! Because unlike ramp parking, these parking lots will not be able to travel between the parking lot floors..(Related)