Calendar of training courses in the winter of 1402
تقویم آموزشی۱۴۰۲ زمستان۱۴۰۲
Fahameh ،به عنوان Educational center Associate and under credit organization national Standard Iran According to the announcement table,Specialized training courses He holds himself:
Description of requirements and documentation Standard ISO 9001
- Date of holding: ۶ و ۷ دی (12 hours)
- Course teacher: Engineer Ali Jahangiri (Standard expert)
Headline of content:
Getting to know the concepts of quality management system
Principles of quality management
Description of ISO quality management system requirement clauses 9001:2015
Description of requirements and standard internal audit ISO 17020
- Date of holding: ۲۰ و ۲۱ دی (12 hours)
- Course teacher: Engineer Ali Jahangiri (Standard expert)
Headline of content:
Familiarity with the concepts of quality management systems and inspection process
Getting to know the history of the 17020 standard
Mastering the structure of the 17020 standard
Mastering the content of the 17020 standard
Mastery of the 17020 standard requirements audit method
Inspection of electric elevators based on standard 1-6303
- Date of holding: ۱۴ _ ۱۶ بهمن (24 hours)
- Course teacher: Engineer Amir Miri (Technical manager of lifting equipment inspection)
Headline of content:
Explaining the installation requirements and inspection principles of traction elevators based on the national standard of Iran 1-6303
Check well requirements
Check engine room requirements
Checking the floor and cabin door requirements
Check the requirements of safety circuits
Check wiring requirements
Check the requirements of safety parts
Description of tests during inspection
Checking the requirements of elevator calculations
تقویم آموزشی همکار استاندارد
For growth and development! get training…
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- Date of holding: ۲۵ بهمن (8 hours)
- Course teacher: Engineer Ali Jahangiri (Standard expert)
Headline of content:
Compliance function
Advantages and disadvantages of conformity assessment
Description of the radiographic test
Inspection requirements and limitations
Types of conformity assessment certificates from the assessor's point of view
General inspection and samplingASP
- Date of holding: ۲۸ بهمن (8 hours)
- Course teacher: Mrs. Rana Abbasi
Headline of content:
According to the implementation method of methods Conformity assessment of imported goods National Iranian Standards Organization
Familiarity with management systems
- Date of holding: March 2 (8 hours)
- Course teacher: Engineer Ali Jahangiri (Standard expert)
Headline of content:
Principles of quality management
ISO standard 9001:2015
Clauses and clauses of the ISO standard 9001
ISO standard 14001 or environmental management system standard
ISO standard 22000 or food safety management system standard
ISO standard 5001 or management system standard energy
ISO standard 45001 or standard management systems Occupational safety and health
ISO standard 27001 or information security management system
Inspection of electric stairs and moving walkways based on the standard ۱-۱۳۸۳۶
- Date of holding: ۲۴ _ ۲۵ بهمن (16 hours)
- Course teacher: Engineer Amir Miri (Technical manager of lifting equipment inspection)
Headline of content:
Description of installation requirements and inspection principles of electric stairs
Checking the requirements of the main shaft
Checking the main and auxiliary brake requirements
Check the step and pallet requirements
Balustrade handrail requirements review
Check the requirements of safety circuits
Overview of important dimensions in equipment safety
Description of tests during inspection
Examining the differences in the standard edition of 2008-2017
Description of the requirements of the national standard of Iran Standard Iranian national 2018-19
Please, to get more information and complete the registration process, with Education unit Fahame, please contact me:
- Tel:۹-۸۸۱۰۶۱۴۵
- internal ۴۱۶
Training course،Engineering،Quality management،Standard training
To view the educational calendar for the fall of 1402 Here کلیک کنید.